
Rise of the live Phish art

Posted by Luke Owen

Jul 16, 2014, 9:22 PM

tahoe-tweezer-mapBy now you've seen the schematic jam maps created by Mike Hamad. It all started during the Tahoe Tweezer last summer. Mike felt compelled to get out his pen and paper and visulize what he was listening to. For Mike, being a student of music, visualizing meant writing out time signature and key changes along with fun arrows and other funky images along the way to recreate the feeling he had while listening in the moment. 

Here's Mike recreating this experience for the New York Times: 

Mike's maps have drawn attention from the music community at large and his drawings are now hung up all over walls throughout America, even on bodies as tattoos! Check out his Phish maps and many others at his Tumblr blog.

More recently an artist down in Philly started posting some of his Phishy art. His name is Joseen and you can find him on Etsy here. In Joseen's case, the drawings are pictographs of the sets as they are happening  (i.e. a wooden stump with a wedge cut out representing "The Wedge"). They are playful, creative and unique. 


These artists are just another reason why it's a great time to be a Phish fan and part of this community. 


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